Wednesday, October 03, 2012


Mimic (1997)

  • Guillermo del Toro 's US debut. 
  • Really fun monster movie. The Judas bugs were very well done.
  • The character Chuy really pissed me off. Which is fine, because there are kids out there like that I'm sure, but I wanted to smack him.
  • The plot sometimes felt like it was stretched in too many directions, but never to the point of ruining the movie.
  • Guillermo was brutal with the kills. Kids, dads, priests. No one was safe.

Red State (2011)

  • Kevin Smith's take on religious zealots and the horror genre. Some action is thrown in there as well.
  • I think this is a fairly realistic tale. The dialogue is obviously a little heightened to that Kevin Smith wit at times, but other wise, very believable.  
  • Lot's of gory gun shot wounds.
  • The tall kid in this reminded my wife and myself of our  friend Big Pat.
  • John Goodman is awesome. I love him in almost everything.

Jack Clayton's The Innocents (1961)

  • Film adaptation of The Turn of the Screw by Henry James.
  • This one keeps the ghosts ambiguous. Are they real or not? The movie works very well either way.
  • This one would hold up to multiple watchings due to how many layered themes and visuals are in it.
  • Some interesting Freudian sexual themes.
  • Truman Capote wrote the majority of the screenplay.

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