Monday, September 15, 2014

The Horror!

It is that time of year again.... September!!!! Actually, it is only two weeks until October, and if the trick or treat candy in the grocery store is any indication, Halloween is just around the corner. That means Horror Movie time.

Started this year with Night of the Creeps. I was thinking to myself, "Self, I have started this movie a couple of times, and never finished it. The Displaced Kentuckian really likes it. I need to watch this dang movie."  So I started it again. Then I realized. I had that same internal conversation last time, but actually finished it. Who cares. Watched it again.

This movie is a real gem. Never takes itself seriously, which makes it a really fun ride. The goofy sidekick legitimately makes me laugh quite a few times. His character has a really sympathetic turn as well. I cried a lonely tear.

Amazing start to the film with midget aliens. When I watched it this time, it is funny, they don't need to be midgets. But they are, and are better for it. Also, these aliens have mastered interstellar travel, yet are naked. Maybe the more advanced we get, the more naked we will get.

Then we get the split plot lines of homicidal maniac and alien zombie slugs. This movie is highlighted by great one liners and great effects. Tom Atkins basically reprises his role from Halloween III, but instead of a doctor, he is a disgruntled cop. Just as drunk though. I love when he literally stops and smells the roses.

This one is a definite recommend!

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