Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Movie #3: Insidious 2

Insidious was a really great movie that came out of nowhere for me. I saw previews, which didn't impress me. I heard about all the buzz. Yawn. Then my buddy Mike was raving about it, as did that Ol' Displaced Kentuckian. I finally watched it and loved it. James Wan and Company are really damn good at ghost stories at this point.

The follow up, Insidious Chapter 2, immediately follows the events of the first one. It in general delves into the back story of the father, his abilities to travel into the "Further," and the origin of his maleficent spirit which likes him so much. I dug the beginning, but the middle lost me a little. It got into shakey cam/hand held ghost hunter mode. Of which, I am not a fan. It came back around though, and the end was very effective for me.

I kept thinking of this towards the end of the movie. There are a few parallels of the Insidious "Further" and the Black Lodge/Red Room from Twin Peaks. Anyone who knows the current me, knows I am a huge Twin Peaks fan. I don't want to spoil anything Twin Peasksy, but one obvious one is the use of the color red. The Red Door in the Further, and the Red Curtains of the Black Lodge.

Anyways. The first Insidious is definitely better, but this one is far above average and gets a recommended viewing from me! Oh, and this one is also streaming on the Netflix.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Movie #2

The next movie on my list is Almost Human. No, not the failed tv show. I remember hearing about this indie flick a year or two ago, so once I saw it was on Netflix, I decided to give it a whirl. 

We happen to have our second film with aliens in it within two days. But aren't we all aliens deep down?

The thing I really like about this film is that it is not confused at all about what it is. It is a slasher film with a taste of alien abduction horror. No messy plotlines, no boring character arcs, and no feel good ending. This movie takes a lot from the classics. There are obvious influences from Halloween, Alien, Night of the Living Dead, and The Thing. 

This is by no means the best horror film I have ever seen, but it is filled with gore, and the pacing is fast, so it makes for a really fun watch. Recommended! Oh, and the movie poster is pretty cool too.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Horror!

It is that time of year again.... September!!!! Actually, it is only two weeks until October, and if the trick or treat candy in the grocery store is any indication, Halloween is just around the corner. That means Horror Movie time.

Started this year with Night of the Creeps. I was thinking to myself, "Self, I have started this movie a couple of times, and never finished it. The Displaced Kentuckian really likes it. I need to watch this dang movie."  So I started it again. Then I realized. I had that same internal conversation last time, but actually finished it. Who cares. Watched it again.

This movie is a real gem. Never takes itself seriously, which makes it a really fun ride. The goofy sidekick legitimately makes me laugh quite a few times. His character has a really sympathetic turn as well. I cried a lonely tear.

Amazing start to the film with midget aliens. When I watched it this time, it is funny, they don't need to be midgets. But they are, and are better for it. Also, these aliens have mastered interstellar travel, yet are naked. Maybe the more advanced we get, the more naked we will get.

Then we get the split plot lines of homicidal maniac and alien zombie slugs. This movie is highlighted by great one liners and great effects. Tom Atkins basically reprises his role from Halloween III, but instead of a doctor, he is a disgruntled cop. Just as drunk though. I love when he literally stops and smells the roses.

This one is a definite recommend!